High school musical stars and long time couple
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron have decided to get serious, as Zac reportedly asked Vanessa to
marry him while vacationing in Japan.
Vanessa has been quoted as saying, “We haven’t set a date and if we did we’d keep it secret for as long as possible,” she said. “Why? What if one of us was offered a major film part? Then we’d have to postpone our marriage and people would say we’d split up. And we don’t want that.”
It has been said that Zac was feeling some added pressure from Vanessa's mother Gina, concerning them living together without being married.
We think this is wonderful
engagement news! These two are truly destined to be together, seeing how they instantly gelled when first meeting each other on the set of High School Musical.
Best wishes Zac and Vanessa!